Thursday 31 May 2012

photo overload

Craig insisted on seeing this photo right after to check for "proper knee placement". I'd say it was good
Took a trip to Mtl and rode some secret trails. Well, I watched. They were a crazy creation that I wasn't gonna give a go. Instead I sat back and watched the locals do their thing. We also rode through the school protest at a time of night where it wasn't violent yet, and also saw "zombie boy", google image him. It has been a very random week. Here are some photos, unfortunately none of zombie boy or the protest.

some Canadian geese in my backyard not long ago

old man Troy

Ben Desjardins is nuts. He is whipping over the WHOLE centrepiece here people

Jay performs for the hawaiian shirted boy

I found him (Waldo)

Jay also checked for knee placement. Seriously

Here he cranks a lookback finally

Trailboss Neil in Mtl. He knows whats up. Neil lent me a really great mini slave flash from ebay, you know the chinese stuff for cheap. It worked like a charm and I ordered one as soon as I got home.

Here Craig jumps out of the bowl into the rhythm section. You would have to see this place to understand it. Underground drainage pipes, dirt bowl, wooden sub, crazy doubles with trees everywhere.

Yannick is one of the other trail bosses and was just that. 

they had a really cool setup everywhere you went. He Chris makes the best of a slant wall

Yannick's xups were better than this photo shows


The ladies attack

sweaty I-talian

Josh always has a good time

Brenna releases and Chitters dodges

Brenna and Josh in sync

air Jorden

Yan styles his way out of the section

1 comment:

  1. Shit that s some sick shots !

    You guys are welcome to come back any time


