Friday, 25 November 2011

Mr. Freeze

Winter is upon us and that means indoor riding, road trips, la belle province, more hockey, woodstove heat, and ski hill madness. This winter will hopefully be the best one yet. We have already done Woodward, which was great. A nice get away for a good price. Only thing that trip was missing was more time to recover and ride more. These trips indicate either one of two things for me; I am truly getting old and it's catching up ever so quickly, or I don't ride enough to be used to a bit of abuse. Here is some more randomness from the past 2 years. Le Taz has some great new ramps and the box jump finally works. Seriously, get ready for the best winter yet! Kijiji yourself until you have gear for every sport and activity possible.
Jorden gets dangerously close to my lens

toothpick on Ben's bike

self portrait with the 40D

Chris throws down on le Taz's new sub/wall

Jorden hops bars on Hulls' best spot. 40D again

winter means Notro, and I can't wait to see this guy ride again. 40D 2009

my first official house party

gone but not forgotten. He has the best moves

Jeff eats a bun while Leland prepares to make porno-paper-airplanes at Notro. A well advertised family event packed full of excitement for the littles ones! Here's a lesson kids. Gosh that is funny to watch, embarassing to be near though.

old pic of Emile Otis killing it in front of the 40D

cranked. Weeeeeeeeeeed mannnnnn...

Notro is always one of the best weekends of the year. Can it be topped? Does the Dance Cave have enough brooms and bouncers to react to the next potential mess?

1 comment:

  1. Dance Cave has no idea what is coming this year. Flashbangs...
