Friday, 25 November 2011

Mr. Freeze

Winter is upon us and that means indoor riding, road trips, la belle province, more hockey, woodstove heat, and ski hill madness. This winter will hopefully be the best one yet. We have already done Woodward, which was great. A nice get away for a good price. Only thing that trip was missing was more time to recover and ride more. These trips indicate either one of two things for me; I am truly getting old and it's catching up ever so quickly, or I don't ride enough to be used to a bit of abuse. Here is some more randomness from the past 2 years. Le Taz has some great new ramps and the box jump finally works. Seriously, get ready for the best winter yet! Kijiji yourself until you have gear for every sport and activity possible.
Jorden gets dangerously close to my lens

Friday, 11 November 2011

hard drive randomness

Here is an assortment of random photos from the 'ol hard drive. I have to mention Papanack zoo. It's located near Plantaganet on highway 17. It's seriously the best zoo I have been to. They pride themselves on donations and animal rescues. The place is really inexpensive, never crowded and has the best animal lineup. At one point they had the only wolverine in captivity as far as I know. They had to put titanium fencing like 8ft underground, otherwise he could potentially escape. They seriously have it all. And they have a great daily itinerary for the animal feeding. DO go to this place. Don't be stupid. Get off your stupid phone or facebook for a few hours and go there next spring. Right after the snow melts, the animals are very lively as it is not too hot. The animals here are visible and well looked after. This place makes the Toronto Metropolitan zoo look like a war camp from WW2. PLUS, you don't have to walk 8km's to see all the great stuff. BEST ZOO around by far. Anyways, lots more on the hard drive to come. These were all shot with Canon 40D. Speaking World Wars, wear a poppy at least today. It's the least you can do for the freedom you have. Thanks vets; I wouldn't exist without you!
How close have you even been to a lion? Did you even see one at the Metropolitan zoo? Doubt it

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Don't fuck with Chuck

Hallowe'en has come and gone. It was an awesome week as you can see from this first pic. I played a bunch of hockey that week. I organized a huge group for paintball. It turned out to be a lot more fun than imagined. Highly recommended. Check Chitaroni's facebook for some great photos of the action. Then we all got dressed up for the special occassion. Ben said it best "Hallowe'en should be twice a year." Then he fell asleep. Can't wait for next year. I'll probably find myself on kijiji this winter looking at paintball guns. One more toy to own eh?
Derek as Chuck Norris, with one serious fucking kick. Sweet chin music