Monday, 23 January 2012

first ride; snowboarding

I am sure glad I was able to get back into snowboarding years after having stopped. Just weekend warrior type stuff. But still, something fun and different during the harsh winter. Something that at times feels like riding bmx, motocross, or pretend surfing. I got my first ride in the with the crippled Chitaroni and his frugal setup. Also my first time at Edelweiss. Not all the runs were open, but the conditions were great and the hill itself was enjoyable and well priced after 3pm on Sunday ($18 to ride until 9pm, not bad). That was my freshen-up ride for Tremblant this coming weekend. Should be a doozy. After having tried to film Jay on his skis with my gopro, I got motivated to find a DIY youtube video to enhance my gopro film-ability. I made a cheap and shotty monopod that should do the job. I don't want to miss Jay's tricks. He's got a deep stylish bag that I want to capture. Meanwhile life in Casselman has been feeling like Saskatoon recently. Cold. Windy. Icy. See you at Tremblant!
Captain cheap-o's GT Boutique pant belt let go. Packing tape did the job.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Old man winter has his day

Winter is passing quickly and I all I seem to do is work and wish I was doing other things. I managed to squeeze in another Habs game with Brenna this time. Last minute deal on . Use this site the day before a game you want to go to, it's secure and you can't get screwed on tickets. The day before the game, people lower their prices pretty good. I got 118 level seats at the Bell Centre for $150 a peice. Not bad at all! AND, the Habs won 7-3. Lars eller got 4 goals, his fourth being a spin-o-ramo penatly shot. I couldn't have choosen a better game to see! The guy sitting behind me and a girl sitting down lower had their SLR's confiscated (until the game was over), so I got lucky to even get a few shots. Trade rumours of PK Subban are floating around now. They have stunted his growth and in return he hasn't been himself, coughing the puck up regularly. Too bad, he'll be great somewhere else. I Pretty much bought a new bmx and hopefully can have it painted and built up soon. My old one (minus the wheels) will be for sale, for cheap. Tremblant is soon. Get ready. We'll have lots of photos to share after that. I am praying to snowboard soon, if it would only stop raining on my days off. I'll get some real photos up soon. Stay tuned.
so much potential

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

first post of 2012

Christmas was perfect. Lots of family and fun activites with some needed time off. Even Jeff and Kyle came down and we even rode a bit, but I didn't snap a single photo. We stayed up until 7am drinking and working on convincing Jeff to move back to Ontario. Come back Jeff!!! What a great year 2011 was. Here are some photos of how it wrapped up for me. Hey Boudreau. Come back too. Mass migration back here!!! Best of luck to everyone for 2012.
this photo couldn't have turned out much better, pure luck. Travis Moen